Vacation Ennui
for all I know these are the same
silent gulls as yesterday
who never suffer down time
or anxiety from the horizon’s naked space
or unease of an empty agenda
I’m awake
with nothing to do but be
and try to make sense of this impossible beauty
the slow stimulus of water
compared to the hypervigilance
of ripping tags off brand new clothes
the present pulls future and past in closer concert
expanding the evening with awe
while I’m just
getting ready for dinner again
this leisure
is the most expensive boredom
not sure if the sun’s rising or setting
which he is with who’s her
where’s the corkscrew or
who’s talking to whom
it’s a coin of light
appearing in shell
and I look in for once
on satisfaction
and shatter it on the pavement
waiting for the work to begin
the putting back together again
Originally published by: Connotation Press